What's New
Arrowhead District - Centennial Dance - Feb. 6, 2010
The Arrowhead District Centennial Dance celebrates 100 years of Boy Scouting in America.
It will take place on Saturday, February 6, 2010 from 7:00 - 11:00 PM
at the Pharr Convention Center
on the east side of Expressway 281
about a mile north of the US 281 and Expressway US 83 intersection (overpass.)
Music provided by Johnny Dee and the Rocket 88's.
Area Scout Troops will be present providing food and non-alcoholic drinks.
There will be live and silent auctions.
For tickets come to 1351 W. Pecan Blvd., McAllen, Texas (NE corner of Pecan Ave. and Main St.)
Donation $10.00
for further information contact Cecily Dyer (956) 457-1293
All are invited
We are especially looking for veteran Scouts to participate in this celebration, there are several ways for you to participate. We invite you to bring some of your Scouting memorabilia for display during the dance, where there will be an area set aside for display and for sharing stories of your glory days in Scouting. You may also donate Scout memorabilia, which you no longer want to keep, to the auction where proceeds will support the Scouting program here in the Rio Grande Valley. And last, you can purchase tickets to attend the Timeless Values dance / auction for a great evening or dancing, music, laughter and fun.... where instilling in our youth, the future of our country the values, abilities and traditions we all believe and trust.
Scout Oath
On my Honor,
I will do my best to do my duty to God and my Country and
to obey the Scout Law.
To help other people at all times,
To keep my self physically strong,
Mentally awake and
Morally straight.
Scout Law - - - A Scout is
Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent.
Contacts: Melissa Golnick (956) 821-3563 - - Cecily Dyer (email tucowranch@aol.com ) ph (956) 457-1293